Apple unveiled a new model of the Apple TV device to replace the Apple TV 4K that was introduced in 2017. The new model retains the name of the previous model but comes with a more powerful Biontech chip that allows it to play HDR videos at the highest rates.
The new device is also powerful enough to support Dolby Vision playback at 60 frames per second via Airplay.
The old Apple TV4K, which was Apple's flagship set-top box for four years, supports 4K broadcasting in addition to HDR, including Dolby Vision. It also supports Dolby Atmos audio codecs, but it did not support 120Hz refresh rates, which might be important if you want to play high-end video games on Apple TV.
Apple has also completely redesigned the remote control for its new device, with an improved design, more comfort, and more capabilities.
The new remote control is thicker than the previous model and contains a new five-way touch control unit instead of the scroll panel, and the device has a suitable power button, to turn off the TV.
On the new device, the Siri search button has been moved to the side of the remote, under your right thumb.
Apple has not redesigned the Apple TV box itself, it is still a round disk that you have to place on a shelf.
And a new feature allows Apple TV to improve the colors of the TV screen using the light sensor on the iPhone.
Apple says it is working with a number of content providers to produce high frame rate HDR content (squares) for the new device, including Fox Sports, NBC Universal, and Paramount Plus in addition to Red Bull TV and Canal Plus ”
And start the price of the new Apple TV at $ 179 for 32 GB storage and will be available for purchase starting April 30.
The 64GB model will also be available for $ 199.
Apple is also selling the older Apple TV HD, which is limited to 1080p, with the new remote for $ 149.
These are all much higher than Apple's competitors, such as Amazon, Google, and Roku, but Apple is betting that people will pay for the performance and ecosystem in the set-top box and charge huge fees for it.