Apple recently introduced a 140W MagSafe charger for the new MacBook Pro, marking the first time Apple has used gallium nitride (GaN) transistors in a charger. According to TrendForce analysts, this is a sign that fast chargers over 100W have entered a period of growth. This is facilitated by lower prices for power GaN transistors, which are already close to $ 1 apiece. TrendForce expects the share of models with such transistors among fast chargers this year will be 17%, which is almost double last year's figure, and in 2025 it will exceed 50%.
TrendForce also notes that the peak power of the vast majority of GaN fast chargers in 2020 was in the 55-65W range. More specifically, the 55-65W model accounted for 72% of all GaN fast chargers sales, while the 90W or higher model accounted for only 8% of sales. 140W peak power fast chargers are the most powerful currently available.