Apple has finally started taking orders for its groundbreaking new MacBook Pro laptops in Russia. Apple has brought many changes to the new generation of MacBook Pros. And if because of the loss of the Touch Bar, few people get upset, and many are happy with the magnetic MagSafe, then the most noticeable at first glance innovation - "bangs" - turned out to be very controversial and caused controversial reviews on the network.
On the international market, pre-order started on the day of the announcement, October 18, and deliveries and open sales began on Tuesday, October 26. Now new items have become available to Russian users.
The 14-inch MacBook Pro is offered in Russia in two main configurations:
- With SoC M1 Pro (8 processor cores and 14 graphics cores), 16 GB of RAM and 512 GB SSD - 189,990 rubles.
- With SoC M1 Pro (10 processor cores and 16 graphics cores), 16 GB of RAM and 1 TB SSD - 234,990 rubles.
The 16-inch MacBook Pro is offered in Russia in three main configurations:
- With SoC M1 Pro (10 processor cores and 16 graphics cores), 16 GB of RAM and 512 GB SSD - 234,990 rubles.
- With SoC M1 Pro (10 processor cores and 16 graphics cores), 16 GB of RAM and 1 TB SSD - 254,990 rubles.
- With SoC M1 Max (10 processor cores and 32 graphics cores), 32 GB of RAM and 1 TB SSD - 334,990 rubles.
Configurations can be customized with more powerful processor options, more RAM, and more storage. The maximum configuration of a 14-inch MacBook Pro will cost 574,990 rubles, a 16-inch one - 594,990 rubles. Delivery times when ordering on the Apple website at the time of writing varies depending on the configuration chosen - from almost a month (by November 24) to almost two months (by December 20).
New MacBook Pro features include an iPhone-style cutout with a 1080p FaceTime HD webcam and a range of other sensors, physical function keys including a wider Escape key instead of the Touch Bar, a reintroduced MagSafe magnetic charging connector, and mini displays. LEDs up to 120Hz, a six-speaker Hi-Fi audio system, battery life increased to 17 and 21 hours, and of course Apple's latest SoCs, the M1 Pro, and M1 Max.