Nvidia confirms it has slowed hiring

Nvidia has confirmed a news report from The New India Express (TNIE) that it has slowed down its hiring activity, based on information revealed internally by Nvidia.

Nvidia said hiring at high-tech companies has slowed amid signs of rising inflation, likely largely due to the impact of the macroeconomic environment. Several reports have pointed out that this is not an Nvidia-specific problem, although many of the details are specific to Nvidia. The report also believes that other big tech companies may soon face similar problems.

The New India Express took note of Nvidia’s news about the hiring suspension. "Leadership wants to suspend hiring to manage and digest the thousands of new hires Nvidia has recently hired," the source said. The report also revealed Nvidia's further hiring guidelines, requiring managers to raise the bar for ongoing recruiting campaigns and not hire more people than entering the workforce. 10% of the interview process. However, Nvidia is keen to push diversity hiring, and the guidelines for these candidates are business as usual for now.

Nvidia's most recent big recruitment drive was in January, when it was reported that Nvidia was struggling to fill hundreds of vacancies, most of which were in Nvidia Israel, and the main driver of the hiring activity at the time was the creation of new CPU designs and engineering team. This CPU team job announcement comes just days before Nvidia's deal to buy Arm fell through. Arm suspended hiring last year in anticipation of an Nvidia acquisition.

For now, Tomshardware hasn't seen any signs of a hiring pause or stagnation in the tech industry. AMD is busy hiring for next-generation SoC systems for consoles and GPUs. There are reports that TSMC cannot hire enough people to match the expansion process for its Arizona factory.

In addition, Intel was eager to use Siru Innovations' graphics IP and software services talent, so it bought the company more than three weeks ago.

Tomshardware sees rising inflation and consumer spending pressures as real, but hasn't seen Nvidia's other competitors slow down.

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