Baseus, a well-known Chinese electronics brand, has launched the new D03 over-ear Bluetooth headset. The headset is equipped with a 40mm driver unit, comes with slow rebound sponge earplugs, supports low-latency mode, and can reduce the binaural delay to 0.08 seconds.
The headset supports Bluetooth 5.3, is equipped with a USB-C interface, and has a battery life of up to 30 hours. The metal shaft on the side supports 95° rotation, which is suitable for different usage scenarios.
In addition to the Bluetooth connection, the headset also supports 3.5mm headphone jack connection and is equipped with a 3.5mm audio cable. There are multi-function operation buttons on the side, which users can press blindly.
The new D03 head-mounted Bluetooth headset is currently on the e-commerce platform for 109 yuan.
Key Features:
- 40mm driver unit
- Slow rebound sponge earplugs
- Low-latency mode
- 0.08 seconds binaural delay
- Bluetooth 5.3
- USB-C interface
- Up to 30 hours battery life
- 95° rotation
- 3.5mm headphone jack
- Multi-function operation buttons
- Price: 109 yuan
- Availability: The new D03 head-mounted Bluetooth headset is currently on the e-commerce platform.