As per a post on ROG's official Weibo handle, Asus will be announcing this device in July and it will pack in an overkill 120 Hz display. To recall, both Razer Phones already come with a screen having such a high refresh rate. In China, Asus has said that it will be collaborating with Under the One Man game for the device's launch in the country.
Other specs for the device are under wraps for the time being, but we can hazard a guess for a Snapdragon 855 chipset and up to 12 GB of RAM on the phone. There might also be an upgraded heat dissipation system and an increased charging speed as well. Asus till now has refrained from providing an exact date for the launch and whether or not the device will come to India.
The previous Asus ROG Phone (Review) came with a 90 Hz AMOLED display with an additional proprietary port on the side along with two USB type-C ports. There was a Snapdragon 845 powering the phone along with 8 GB of RAM and 128 GB of storage which could be expanded to 256 GB.