Xiaomi MI Band 6 details leaked in ZEPP App C

According to LOGGER, the information of Mi Band 6 was leaked in the Zepp app code. (This is a smartband app.) In the firmware code of this application, the source found the words Mi Band 6. And there was the CMIIT ID registration number that has passed the China Radio Certification. In addition, the code also shows that the bracelet will also inherit the previous generation product to support NFC function.

Geekdoing forum user MagicalUnicorn has shared a number of details about the Mi Band 6. It comes with the codename Pangu. There are two variants of the band so far, XMSH16HM is the model number for a Chinese version with NFC and XMSH16HM appears to be a model without NFC. The latter is expected to land in both the China and global markets.

The source also said that the new version of the Mi Band 6 will support Amazon’s Alexa intelligent voice assistant and SpO 2 blood oxygen saturation measurement. The firmware file also shows a series of dial patterns. We can see that the design is similar to the Mi Band 5. Plus, the screen size has not changed much

Mi Band 6 will support up to 308 notification icons for the display of chat information. In addition, there are many smartphone app icons, including JD, Tmall, Meituan QQ, Douyin, and others. Their notifications can be displayed on the screen as well.

The Mi Band 5 currently has multiple built-in applications such as music, heart rate, sports, wallet, and so on. The icons of the new version of Mi Band 6 show the icons of Alipay and Xiao Ai. So we expect that the sixth-generation band will have independent related applications to realize one-step expansion of functions.

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