Is MediaTek Competing with Qualcomm with its New Smartphone Processor?

MediaTek recently unveiled a new set of advanced phone processors, the most prominent of which was Dimеnsity 1200, according to Russia today. 

According to the developers at MediaTek, the aforementioned processor has been developed to be a strong competitor to Qualcomm processors in phones with excellent performance and competitive prices, and the standard on which it is built will help it to preview the largest amount of data at one time and consume the least amount of energy, as well as it will increase the capabilities of phone cameras on Preview shots to document high-resolution images in low-light conditions.

According to the information available, the experts in the famous AnTuTu platform for testing the performance of smart devices have verified the performance of the Dimеnsity 1200 with the Realme GT Neo, which will be officially launched on the market soon.

During the tests, the MediaTek processor got 711 664 points, which is slightly less than the modern Snаpdragon 87 processor from Qualcomm, which scored 719 585, but the performance of the integrated graphics processor with it was higher compared to the capabilities of the graphics processor in the latter, as well as its temperature during intensive use was lower, as Only 30 degrees Celsius compared to a Qualcomm processor, which recorded temperatures of 34.2 degrees Celsius.

It should be noted that MediaTek had also recently reviewed the Helio M80 processor that it developed for phones and smart devices that will work with fifth-generation cellular networks, and the data download speed in it reached between 3.76 and 7.67 GB / s. 

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