Google moves to introduce a quantum computer by 2029

A report that Google aims to build a useful, error-correcting quantum computer by the end of the decade. As the company explained in a blog post, the search giant hopes the technology will help solve a host of big problems like feeding the world and climate change to develop better drugs. According to the verge website. 

Google also unveiled a new AI campus in Santa Barbara that contains a quantum data center, hardware research laboratories, and quantum processor chip manufacturing facilities.

Billions will be spent on technology development over the next decade, the Wall Street Journal reports.

The announced goal comes a year and a half after Google announced that it had achieved quantum supremacy, which is a milestone as a quantum computer performed a calculation that would be impossible on a conventional computer. 

Google says its quantum computer was able to perform a calculation in 200 seconds that would have taken 10,000 years or more on a conventional supercomputer, but the contenders racing to build their own quantum computers have cast doubt on Google's alleged advances. And, rather than taking 10,000 years, IBM argued at the time that a traditional supercomputer could actually do the job in 2.5 days or less.

And this additional processing power could be useful for precisely simulating molecules and thus nature, Google says, this could help us design better batteries, produce more carbon-efficient fertilizers, or develop more targeted drugs because a quantum computer can run simulations before The company is investing in building real-world prototypes. Google also expects quantum computing to have major benefits for developing AI.

Despite claiming to have reached the stage of quantum supremacy, Google says it has a long way to go before these computers are useful, while current quantum computers consist of less than 100 qubits, Google is targeting access to a multi-stage process. 

First, Google says it needs to reduce the errors that qubits make before it can think of building 1,000 physical qubits together into a single logical qubit. This would lay the foundation for a quantum transistor, the building block for quantum computers of the future.

Despite the challenges ahead, Google is optimistic about its chances. We are at this tipping point, Google is optimistic about its chances. We are at this tipping point. We now have the important components that make us confident. We know how to implement the map. The way, Google eventually plans to offer quantum computing services over the cloud.

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