The Korean giant was scheduled for June 21 for the official announcement of the Galaxy M32 phone, which will launch with a large battery capacity. The Galaxy M32 phone was spotted in a promotional advertisement in Amazon India, which indicated a date for the official launch of the phone later this month, and the promotional advertisement also reviewed some of the main specifications of this version.
The phone comes with a 6.4-inch Super AMOLED screen, a 90Hz refresh rate, and a Full HD Plus display quality. The screen also features a brightness of 800 nits, and it includes a drop bump for the 20-megapixel front camera.
The phone also includes quad settings for the rear camera with a 64-megapixel main sensor, and it is expected that the camera settings will include a sensor with wide viewing angles, and another for depth imaging, along with a macro sensor.
It is scheduled, according to the promotional announcement, that the Galaxy M32 phone will have a large battery capacity of up to 6000 mAh, so we look forward to more details about this version in the upcoming official announcement.