The Vivo S10 phone was revealed today in the Geekbench database with the Dimensity 1100 chip in preparation for the upcoming announcement. Previous leaks had revealed the design of the Vivo S10 phone in live images published during the last period, and today the phone appeared again on Geekbench with model number V2121A.
The leaks also revealed that the Vivo S10 phone will soon come with 12 GB RAM, as it was monitored in previous leaks with a model that comes with 8 GB RAM.
On the other hand, the leaks that came from Geekbench do not reveal many other details about the specifications of the phone, but previous leaks confirmed that the phone includes a main sensor in the 108-megapixel rear camera and also supports 44W fast charging technology, and the phone also comes with a system Running Android 11.