IDC analysts predict smartphone market to grow 7.4% this year

Specialists of the analytical company IDC have published another forecast. It belongs to the smartphone market. According to analysts, this year the smartphone market will grow by 7.4%. In total, 1.37 billion devices will be shipped in a year. Growth will continue next year but slow down. It will be 3.4%.

Distinguishing the two segments by the operating system used, analysts note that growth rates in these segments will vary greatly. More specifically, sales of iOS devices are expected to grow 13.8% over the year, while sales of Android devices are expected to grow by only 6.2%.

The main driver of growth is the introduction of 5G. Both vendors and channel representatives are focused on promoting next-generation models as they have a higher Average Selling Price (APS) than 4G devices. The ASP of a 5G smartphone is forecast to be $ 634 this year, almost unchanged from last year's $ 632, while prices for 4G devices continue to decline. The ASP of the 4G smartphone will fall to $ 206 this year, nearly 30% lower than last year's $ 277. In terms of quantity, 570 million 5G smartphones are expected to be sold in a year, up 123.4% from last year. As a result, the share of 5G devices in total sales will increase markedly.

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