Steam Deck: Valve is already thinking about the next generation

Despite the fact that the Stream Deck hasn't even hit the market yet, Valve is already thinking about the next generation or at least an update. 

In an interview, one of the creators of the console - Greg Coomer and Lawrence Yang - talked about exactly what plans Valve has in this regard.  

We are already looking to the future because we believe that this product line will have a long life, so of course, we think about what we will build next and start making plans in these areas. The Steam Deck 2 does not have a design, but we are thinking in that direction and already discussing where we will draw the line for our next iteration of the device.  

They also talked about 4K resolution regarding the Steam Deck and its future version, noting that for the first generation such a resolution was not even discussed as a target, however, probably in a year or two, technologies will allow this to be realized.  

At the same time, when you connect the Steam Deck to a TV or monitor using an HDMI-USBC adapter, the set-top box will be able to display the picture in 4K. Another question is that in most cases, the device's performance for such a resolution is simply not enough. 

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