The brand new OnePlus Nord 2 smartphone exploded

As it became known, the brand new OnePlus Nord 2 smartphone exploded, causing the owner to be injured. The story was told by the victim's husband, Ankur Sharma from Bangalore, India.

Ankur Sharma revealed that his wife went on a bike ride with the OnePlus Nord 2 smartphone, which was purchased 5 days earlier. Suddenly, the smartphone exploded, which caused the girl to lose control, had an accident, and was injured. There is no information about whether the smartphone was connected to a portable battery.

The photos show that the smartphone is almost completely destroyed, its back panel is charred. So far, this is the first and only case of a OnePlus Nord 2 explosion. At the moment, OnePlus has not yet made any statements regarding the cause of this incident. However, the company apologized to Ankura on Twitter, offering damages.

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