Will Windows 11 be installed on the Steam Deck?

The Steam Deck handheld game console shouldn't experience any issues installing Windows 11. 

As you know, the set-top box is actually an ordinary PC, except that the hybrid processor, which is the basis, has no analogs among the solutions available on the free sale or in any ready-made PCs. 

Accordingly, there should be no problems installing Windows 10 or Windows 11. However, users began to clarify this aspect with Valve, mentioning the TPM, which Microsoft requires by default to install a new system. 

Currently, work is underway to study TPM. So far, we've focused so much on Windows 10 that we haven't gotten that far yet. We expect to be able to implement this. This is also an issue that is being discussed with AMD to make sure that we can sort things out at the BIOS level. So so far, nothing indicates that Windows 11 will have any problems. - Valve Steam Deck Designer Greg Coomer 

Thus, it is likely that those wishing to install a full-fledged Windows 11 on the Steam Deck will be able to do this without any problems. 

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