AMD Instinct MI300 accelerator appeared

The upcoming AMD Instinct MI200 graphics accelerator will be the world's first such solution with a dual-chip GPU. It looks like the next generation will also be able to surprise.

A well-known insider discovered the new name of the AMD server socket - SH5. And here it is interesting that one of the codenames corresponding to this CPU socket is MI300. This may be a coincidence, but not likely. Most likely, this is exactly the accelerator, which will be released next year under the name Instinct MI300.

The highlight is that the SH5 socket is mentioned in conjunction with the Zen 4 architecture, which is the processor architecture. One of the assumptions of such a neighborhood is that the GPU of the MI300 accelerator will combine both graphics and processor cores. That is, in fact, it will be a hybrid processor (APU), but with an emphasis primarily on the GPU and aimed at specialized computing, rather than the consumer market. It is difficult to say whether it would be correct to call such a solution a hybrid processor, or it is more correct to say “hybrid GPU”.  

Moreover, this assumption has a basis. The bottom line is that AMD has previously talked about the concept of Exascale Heterogeneous Processor (EHP), where GPU chiplets, CPU chiplets, and HBM memory modules were placed on one substrate. It's not at all a fact that in the end MI300 will receive a core of just such a layout, but at least the CPU and GPU in it, apparently, will coexist.

In what configuration is anyone's guess. But there may well be four GPU chiplets, since the MI200 will have two.

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