Apple antennas for the iPhone 13 are made from plastic bottles

According to information from the official Apple website, when creating the iPhone 13, the company aimed to minimize its impact on the environment. For this, for the first time in the industry, plastic bottles have been used as a new material for the manufacture of smartphone antennas.

In addition, iPhone 13 also uses 100% recycled rare earth in MagSafe magnets and 100% recycled tin in the motherboard and battery management module solder. In addition, smartphones use 100% recycled gold to cover the motherboard and metal wires of the front and rear cameras.

Apple previously announced plans to achieve carbon neutrality across the entire company, supply chain, and product lifecycle by 2030. The company has already achieved zero carbon emissions at its manufacturing facilities around the world. By 2030, every Apple device that comes to market will have a zero carbon footprint.

 Apple made further changes this year and not only removed the charger from the kit but also simplified the packaging once again by eliminating the packaging film.

According to information published on the official Apple website, the refusal to use film in the packaging boxes of the iPhone 13 and Phone 13 Pro can reduce the amount of plastic used to 600 tons (timeframe is not specified).

Yesterday, sources published photos showing thousands of iPhone 13 smartphones in some warehouse awaiting sales . The first iPhone 13 smartphones have already been shipped to future owners.

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