GlobalFoundries will double production of chips for cars this year

GlobalFoundries, the largest contract chip manufacturer in the United States, said it plans to at least double its production of chips for automotive electronics this year in response to an unprecedented global semiconductor supply crisis.

The company will spend another $ 6 billion to expand its manufacturing capacity. However, she warned that expansion plans will not begin to bear fruit until 2023, and the auto industry will continue to run out of chips in 2022.

Of the above amount, $ 4 billion will be used to expand the site in Singapore, and $ 1 billion each - for expansion in the United States and Germany. All these capacities can be loaded with the production of automotive products.

GlobalFoundries is a key partner for automotive electronics suppliers such as Bosch, Volkswagen, NXP and Infineon.

The current situation in the automotive industry is driven by two factors. In addition to the impact of the initial shrinking orders and disruption to supply chains due to the pandemic and the subsequent increase in orders from automakers, there is a continuing increase in demand due to expanded functions of infotainment and navigation systems, an increase in the number of cameras and the introduction of advanced driver assistance systems and self-driving technologies.

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