Google will release an interim version of Android before Android 13

Google released the fifth and final public beta of Android 12 last night, with a public release scheduled in a few weeks. Meanwhile, information about the next version of Android began to appear in the OS code.

The next major Android update was previously expected to be Android 13, codenamed Tiramisu , which will launch in 2022. 

However, it looks like Google may first release a small interim update, Android 12.1, which it hasn't done in years. The last such mid-term update was Android 8.1 Oreo in 2017. 

Members of the mobile XDA Developers community have found evidence of this in recent changes to the OS code. In particular, it was noticed that Tiramisu (Android 13) will receive API level 33, which is two levels higher than Android 12 (API 31). 9to5Google enthusiasts also found a code change that directly confirms that Android 13 will have API 33.

Moreover, there is a direct indication that a certain version of sc-v2 will receive API level 32. In this case, sc is an abbreviation for Android 12's internal dessert name - Snow Cone, and v2 means Snow Cone will receive version 2.

Almost every API level change in the last 13 years of Android history has coincided with an Android version number change.

At the end of 2017, Android Oreo was updated from 8.0 to 8.1, and the update debuted on Pixel and Nexus smartphones. A similar "x.1" release timeline took place for Android Nougat and Lollipop. Following this pattern, it is possible that the sc-v2 update will be named Android 12.1. There's also the possibility of Android 12.1 launching with Pixel 6 smartphones later this year.

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