Honor may be blacklisted following Huawei in USA

In May 2019, the United States added Huawei to the so-called "Prohibited List of Organizations", with which American companies, including Google, are prohibited from working. At the time, Honor was a sub-brand of Huawei, using most of Huawei's assets to manufacture its goods.

Huawei sold Honor last fall to save the brand from the effects of the ban. However, the US government is now considering adding the now independent company Honor to the aforementioned blacklist.

According to The Washington Post, four departments are discussing this decision. During the vote, the Pentagon and the Department of Energy said they want to include Honor on the banned list of organizations. Meanwhile, the Commerce Department and State Department do not believe the move is necessary. If the departments do not agree, then the final decision will be made by US President Joe Biden.

Of course, if the same US sanctions were imposed on Honor, it could completely destroy its business. However, it is not yet clear why the company was targeted. It is no longer affiliated with Huawei - in addition, it does not have a 5G network equipment division and is not represented in the US market. It is worth noting that over the past year, Huawei, under the yoke of sanctions, has significantly weakened its position in the global smartphone market, losing its share to Chinese competitors.

Probably, a decision on this issue will be made in the near future.

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