IDC predicts global cloud-based spending to reach $ 1.3 trillion by 2025

Over the past decade, cloud computing has become the backbone for mobile and content service delivery, as well as an alternative to traditional enterprise computing environments. As businesses move to a digital economy, the cloud will continue to play an increasingly important and even dominant role as the IT industry focuses on improving efficiency, agility, and speed of innovation. With this in mind, analysts from IDC predict that spending on the entire cloud will exceed $ 1.3 trillion by 2025. Analysts clarify that the concept of "entire cloud" includes the total global costs of cloud services, hardware, and software components that underlie the supply chain of cloud services, as well as professional services related to cloud services. Throughout the period,

IDC's forecast looks at both public and private cloud services. The first refers to services that are shared by different enterprises and consumers, are open to an unlimited number of potential users, and are intended for the market, and not for an individual enterprise.

Private or dedicated cloud services are provided in the form of subscriptions or managed service agreements by cloud providers, co-hosting, outsourcing, or managed services to enterprise customers.

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