Infineon opens a power semiconductor manufacturing plant in Austria

 Infineon Technologies AG today officially opened its 300mm wafer semiconductor plant in Villach, Austria. The plant, worth 1.6 billion euros, has become one of the largest enterprises of its kind in Europe and one of the most modern in the world. It was opened by Infineon CEO Reinhard Ploss, Infineon Austria CEO Sabine Herlitschka, EU Commissioner Thierry Breton and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.

The company announced the construction of the plant in 2018. It was put into operation ahead of schedule. In fact, the plant was commissioned in early August, three months ahead of schedule. The first finished plates will be dispatched from the factory this week. Initially, the plant will focus on products for the automotive industry, data centers and renewable energy power plants.

By the way, the plant itself is in many ways a model of environmental thought. It covers up to 80% of its heat needs by using the heat generated by the cooling systems, which prevents the emission of 20,000 tons of CO 2 per year. From the beginning of 2022, the hydrogen required for production as a process gas will be produced directly in the plant using renewable energy sources. Moreover, after being used in production, it will serve as fuel for public transport.

The total area of ​​the new plant is about 60,000 m 2 . It is characterized by a high degree of automation and the use of artificial intelligence. Production is planned to gradually expand over the next four to five years.

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