Intel hires AMD veterans and game developers

Intel continues to strengthen its graphics division as it prepares to bring the first true gaming graphics cards to market in the company's modern history. And recently Intel got a number of good specialists. Among them are not only engineers, but also, interestingly, game industry professionals.

This is Andre Bermer, a 20-year veteran of the gaming industry. He has worked for EA Games, LucasArt, Zynga, Prime Gaming and Amazon. Also, Michael Heilemann, who has worked at EA Games, Vivendi, Dreamworks and Sony, joined Intel. Another new member of the team is Steve Bell. He spent 13 years at AMD and was the senior director of game development relations. Also worth mentioning is Ritche Corpus, who has been part of the AMD team for 15 years, including as head of gaming and professional software.

Of course, the appearance of game developers on the Intel team does not mean that the company is going to create games itself. But it points to Intel's serious intentions regarding video cards.

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