IPhone 13 pre-orders are growing like a snowball

The booking rate of the new iPhone 13 smartphones is impressive: just a few hours ago, it became known that 582,250 pre-orders were issued for this line in China, and now this number has doubled. At the time of publication of the note, about 1.2 million pre-orders were issued in China. At the same time, thousands of people order smartphones every few minutes.

We are talking only about the number of pre-orders for the iPhone 13 in the popular Chinese online store JD.com. However, other Chinese stores are also accepting pre-orders, and they started doing so even before the announcement. For example, Taobao confirms that when you pre-order, you get not only a charger, but also a wireless charging station.

Immediately after the presentation of the iPhone 13 smartphones , various jokes and memes began to appear on social networks , in which users ridiculed the lack of significant innovations, the design and prices of the new Apple phones.

Samsung also ridiculed the innovations that have long been present in the smartphones of the South Korean manufacturer . At the same time, representatives of large investment companies are not worried about the lack of major innovations in the iPhone 13.

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