Millions of Ryzen-powered computers are under threat again

Another vulnerability has been found in AMD processors. Interestingly, it is similar to the well-known Meltdown vulnerability, which at one time caused quite a stir, but only affected the Intel CPU. 

The new vulnerability was discovered by Saidgani Musaev and Christof Fetzer of the Dresden University of Technology. The vulnerability relies on the forced exchange of unnecessary data between microarchitectural elements of AMD processors. Vulnerability CVE-2020-12965 (AMD-SB-1010) was discovered back in October last year, but security researchers did not disclose the information and notified AMD. 

As stated in the description, in combination with certain programming sequences, AMD processors can temporarily perform malicious operations and save data using only the least significant 48 bits of the address, which can lead to data leakage. The vulnerabilities affect processors based on Zen + and Zen 2 architectures, that is, we are talking about millions of processors around the world, but AMD has already developed a way to fix the vulnerability.  

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