PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S will be in short supply in 2022

Toshiba has issued a warning statement that due to the global shortage of semiconductor chips, supply problems for game consoles will continue into 2022.

According to Takeshi Kamebuchi, director of one of Toshiba's semiconductor divisions, " chip supply will remain very limited until at least September 2022. " It is assumed that in some regions the shortage of consoles will be felt until 2023. Kamebuchi also added, " Game console manufacturers are some of the most demanding customers and I sincerely apologize for the disappointment ."

There is evidence that a shortage of components could push Sony and Microsoft to redesign their consoles to reduce the number of parts. The companies that manufacture game consoles have allegedly already notified their partners about this, at the factories of which the assembly is carried out.

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