Samsung could become Pfizer vaccine maker

South Korean President Moon Jae-in is visiting the United States this week. His travel plans are mostly related to the UN General Assembly, with Korean media reporting that Moon also plans to meet with Albert Bourlar, CEO of Pfizer.

Back in May, Moon and US President Joe Biden reached an agreement to jointly develop vaccines between the two countries. This should be covered in detail this week. The massive investment should make South Korea the largest vaccine manufacturing hub in Asia.

The source adds that Samsung has an integral role to play in this research and development. Again, Samsung refers to Samsung Biologics, the biotech arm of the Samsung Group in Songdo, Incheon. The production facilities of SK Bioscience will also be involved.

In addition to producing the vaccine, Samsung has also been involved in the fight against the global pandemic on other fronts. For example, last month the company introduced Samsung Pay users a way to store digital vaccine credentials on their devices. This feature, co-developed with the Commons Project Foundation, began rolling out around the world in early September. To use this feature, you must first become a CommonHealth user. Judging by the reviews of the latter on Google Play, many still can't get the app to work.

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