Sber ecosystem opened to outsiders

The SberBank team announced the ability to control third-party smart home devices through the Salyut digital assistants has been opened.

Thus, users of smart home devices Philips Hue, Aqara, EKF and Elari will now be able to control them by voice from Sber smart devices and through the Sber Salyut applicatiohe Sber ecosystem includes devices such as SberPortal, SberBox and SberBox Top, as well as TVs powered by Salyut TV. 

As the developers promise, the owners of smart solutions Philips Hue, Aqara, EKF and Elari will be able to create a unified voice control system through Sber smart devices, which also open up access to a huge number of services and services from the Sber ecosystem and third-party developers.

To connect third-party devices, you need to link user accounts in the manufacturer's smart home system and the Sber Salyut application. To do this, you need to go to the "Profile" section, select "Services", and then click "Connect a smart home from other manufacturers". Further, from the list, you can select the brand of the device that you plan to bind and give it a name so that it is convenient to control the voice. In this case, control via the manufacturer's application is also possible.

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