The real trump card of the iPhone 13 is 5G support

After Apple's press conference, which unveiled the iPhone 13, Apple Watch 7, new iPad and iPad mini, representatives of large investment companies spoke about the lack of major innovations in the iPhone 13.

Rick Meckler, Partner at Cherry Lane Investments, said: “It seems that Apple hasn't announced any truly revolutionary innovations. But, as usual, the announced features are enough to generate enthusiasm among buyers. "

Kim Forrest, founder and chief investment officer of Bokeh Capital, an investment firm, takes a similar view. She is not worried about Apple's lack of unexpected products or novelties. She added that Apple is updating its devices to keep customers, and she's always great at it.

Tom Forte, senior analyst at investment agency DA Davidson, said the iPhone's real trump card is 5G support compared to other hardware and technology innovations: “Apple's innovations this year are similar to last year. The real highlight of this show is the 5G network. So I don't think they need any significant new changes to the iPhone 13. I think iPhone13 sales will be very strong, which is good news for Apple and its stock. "

Apple also unveiled the 6th generation iPad mini at the press conference, which has a new design and support for 5G. Bob O'Donnell, director of research firm TECHnalysis Research, commented that compared to the iPhone 13 series, this little tablet may be Apple's most unexpected product.

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