The Russian prices of all versions of the iPhone 13 have been announced

Apple today officially presented the iPhone 13 in California, and the Russian office promptly published prices for all versions of all iPhone 13 Russia.

The most affordable was the iPhone 13 mini with a 5.4-inch screen. For the version with 128 GB of memory, they ask for 70,000 rubles. In general, the cost of all versions of all lines is as follows:

iPhone 13 mini

  • 128 GB - 70 thousand rubles
  • 256 GB - 80 thousand rubles
  • 512 GB - 100 thousand rubles

iPhone 13

  • 128 GB - 80 thousand rubles
  • 256 GB - 90 thousand rubles
  • 512 GB - 110 thousand rubles

iPhone 13 Pro

  • 128 GB - 100 thousand rubles
  • 256 GB - 110 thousand rubles
  • 512 GB - 130 thousand rubles
  • 1 TB - 150 thousand rubles

iPhone 13 Pro Max

  • 128 GB - 110 thousand rubles
  • 256 GB - 120 thousand rubles
  • 512 GB - 140 thousand rubles
  • 1 TB - 160 thousand rubles

Pre-order for all iPhone 13 in Russia starts on September 22, real sales begin two days later on September 24.

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