TSMC to build a state-of-the-art microcircuit plant in southern Taiwan

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC), the world's largest contract chip manufacturer, intends to build a cutting-edge plant in southern Taiwan as part of a $ 100 billion expansion program. The program aims to address an unprecedented global chip shortage.

The plant will be located in Kaohsiung City, home to ASE Technology Holding, the world's largest provider of packaging and testing services for chips. TSMC does not yet have production facilities in this large industrial and port city. By the way, Entegris, one of the key suppliers of TSMC chemical products, directs the largest investments to the city.

TSMC's plan, first reported by the Taiwanese media, is to intensify local government efforts to retain most of the company's manufacturing capacity in Taiwan.

The source claims that the plant will manufacture products at 6 and 7 nm. According to unofficial data, its construction will begin next year, and the plant will go into operation in 2023 or 2024.

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