Apple yesterday began open sales and shipping of its new Apple Watch Series 7 smartwatch to pre-order customers. Reviews for a brand new watch are not always enthusiastic - there were also the first complaints about them.
Early adopters of Apple Watch Series 7 are facing an issue where many, if not all, installed third-party apps do not have an on-screen icon. And this, you see, is very inconvenient.
Initially, Dice by Pcalc developer James Thomson drew attention to the strange glitch, who showed on his Twitter page how the problem looks in real life.
There is space for the icons in the grid on the watch screen, but the icons themselves are not displayed. If you click on such a pass, the application opens, but for this, users have to guess and remember where which application is located. The problem only concerns third-party applications, and Apple's native solutions work correctly. As a workaround, you can switch to displaying applications as a list. In this case, the missing icon is supplemented with the name of the application.
Thomson noted that the application icons are displayed smoothly in the Xcode simulator and on other watches. The cause of the failure is unclear at this time. However, the issue can be attributed to the new screen sizes and resolutions of the Apple Watch Series 7. The issue is not observed on Apple Watch Series 6 and earlier running watchOS 8.