For its new Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro smartphones, Google has introduced many new features, especially those related to the camera. One would think that these features will not come to the previous generations of Pixel, since the new products are based on special Tensor SoCs, and the old models rely on Qualcomm solutions. However, this is not the case.
Some of the new features will still appear on older Pixel generations.
As with all Pixel features, we strive to provide as many of these as possible for older Pixels where technically possible - although it may take some time to implement. Some technologies will require additional technical investments, such as the Live Translate feature since our language models on new smartphones are designed to run on the proprietary Tensor SoC (which is not available on older Pixel models). We currently don't have an exact rollout date on older Pixel versions but stay tuned for more news in the future.
As such, Google will continue to adhere to its strategy of expanding the availability of new features.