LG owners get great discount on Google Pixel 5a

Due to long-term losses, the South Korean company LG Electronics Co., Ltd. announced its retirement from the smartphone market in April this year. LG said it could not remain competitive in the current market conditions and with such strong competition. In the future, the company's resources will focus on developing new areas such as parts for electric vehicles, IoT devices, and smart home appliances.

LG yesterday sent out an official email to its smartphone users titled “Delivering Exclusive Deals to Our Loyal Customers.” The letter says LG is offering a $ 65 discount to Google Pixel 5a customers. Customers can take advantage of this discount when placing an order on the Google Online Store. This offer is valid until the end of the current calendar year.

Google recently released a video titled "113 Reasons to Switch to Google Pixel When Your Phone Maker Stops Phones," which was clearly addressed to LG users. It is now clear that this trolling was planned by both parties, and LG will get its share of this proposal.

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