OnePlus recently teased the announcement of the OnePlus Watch Harry Potter Edition smartwatch. This is not a new model, but a version based on the regular OnePlus Watch. And now the watch is presented.
The novelty appeared in India at a price of $ 225. Some resources received the watch in advance so that we can appreciate not only a lot of photos but also the operating experience, although technically this is still the same OnePlus watch.
The Harry Potter Edition comes in a new color and comes with an embossed leather strap. The packaging is very large and, of course, unique. In addition to the watch, you can find a charger, a club card, and a certain amount of advertising materials inside.
For this version of the watch, six new dials and a new turn-on animation were created. For the rest, this is an ordinary smartwatch, distinguished by a good screen and excellent autonomy (they worked for the author for about 8 days). Whether such a watch will appear outside of India is not yet clear.