Steam Deck: really cold, autonomous and able to handle even Cyberpunk 2077

The Steam Deck handheld gaming console is already shipped to various developers, and today we have the opportunity to evaluate the capabilities of such a device. In this case, we are already talking about a serial product, although by the time of the start of sales, of course, Valve can still improve something, as it has done up to this point. 

So, the owner of the console ran a series of tests on different games. As you can see, the settings were different, and in Cyberpunk 2077, the author did not try to lower them at all in order to find those that would be tough for the console, but you can still assess the situation as a whole. 

Firstly, even Cyberpunk 2077 at the lowest graphics quality settings can clearly be playable. Secondly, the same Shadow of the Tomb Raider is also quite demanding on the performance of the video card, but here we have a normal result even at maximum settings, and with some manual settings it turns out to achieve 60 fps.  

All this is possible thanks to the low screen resolution and modern hybrid processor with GPU on the RDNA2 architecture. By the way, the console should support ray tracing as well, but performance here can be quite low. In any case, the results are very decent.  

And the prefix is ​​quite cold. Due to the size and shape, the grip points do not heat up at all (up to a maximum of 29 degrees), although the place above the processor warms up to 43 degrees.  

The Steam Deck is also truly standalone. About three hours of play led to a decrease in the charge from 100% to 46%, that is, the console may well provide five to six hours in large games, and Valve itself promises up to eight hours. 

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