US Senators Call on Joe Biden to Blacklist Honor, Like Huawei

Earlier this week, Republican senators led by Marco Rubia called on President Joe Biden's administration to blacklist Honor. As a reminder, Honor is a former subsidiary of the Chinese tech giant Huawei, which is considered a threat to national security and is on the aforementioned blacklist.

U.S. Senators sent a letter to the Biden administration on October 14, 2021. In this letter, Honor was described as an organization that is "the hand of the Chinese government." The letter also adds that the Chinese smartphone maker has access to American technology, which is currently denied to its former parent brand Huawei. Senators are similarly trying to blacklist the company.

Rubio wrote that the spin-off of Honor allowed Beijing to "effectively evade critical US export controls." Huawei sold its budget sub-brand back in November 2020 to ensure the survival of the individual companies. The letter also said that "by failing to act in response, the Commerce Department risks setting a dangerous precedent and informing adversaries that we lack the capacity or willpower."

Honor, the US Department of Commerce, and the Chinese Embassy in Washington have yet to respond to requests for comment on the matter. Huawei also declined to provide any comments but pointed to a previous statement in which it pledged that it would not own shares or participate in any way in the management of Honor.

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