Users are actively discussing a photo of a retail package in which shoppers receive the latest hit, Apple's screen napkin. Recall that it costs 20 dollars in the United States and 1990 rubles in Russia, and the queue for it lined up several months ahead.
Consumers have been vigorous in criticizing Apple and packaging, asking obvious questions about whether Apple is actually caring about the environment by reducing the packaging of its smartphones and the use of paper.
Here are some quotes from users:
"Built with the environment in mind."
It makes me wonder why the hell did they remove the charger from the iPhone! Just look at how much paper it takes to make a napkin box.
They care so much about the environment that they should take a break.
What generation of iPod touch is it?
But what about caring for the environment?
Apple's very environmentally friendly move. Can't wait to see how they justify it. Take the charger out of the iPhone box in the name of the environment and then do it.
When I first heard about the napkin, I thought April 1st came earlier. When I saw the price and packaging, I was sure it was a joke, a very bad joke.
I wonder which is worth more: fabric or packaging?
Students from Beijing University of Chemistry and Donghua University have teamed up to sue Apple because new Apple products no longer have chargers.