Xiaomi has tried to diversify the color scheme of Redmi Note 11 smartphones with non-standard colors. We have already written about two (dark green and purple), and now the company has introduced the third non-standard color of the line. It is officially called the dream galaxy, but in fact, it is a light blue with a gradient.
Interestingly, until now, such a color version of Redmi Note 11 was not named and was not mentioned anywhere - it was only said that in addition to dark green and purple, there will also be black and gray. It turns out that there will be at least five colors in the color range.
The official premiere of Redmi Note 11 will take place on October 28. On this day, the company will also present a smartwatch Redmi Watch 2, and another wearable device, more affordable - a fitness bracelet with a large screen - Redmi Smart Band Pro.