Motorola unveiled the world's first smartphone based on the new SoC Snapdragon 480 Plus, presented a week ago. The novelty is called Moto G51 and is priced in China at $ 235 for a version with 8 GB of RAM and 128 GB of flash memory. The device received an unusual display. At HD + resolution, there is support for a frame rate of 120 Hz. In this case, the diagonal is 6.8 inches, that is, the screen is very large. Also worth noting is the sensor with a frequency of 240 Hz.
The smartphone has a triple camera. There is a main sensor with a resolution of 50 MP, an ultra-wide-angle camera with a resolution of 8 MP, and a camera for macro resolution of only 2 MP. The rest can be noted a headphone jack, Wi-Fi 5, Bluetooth 5.2, and a 5000 mAh battery.