The Russian brand Caviar, known for its extravagant versions of flagship smartphones, has presented a new collection of iPhone 13 Pro. The collection called “Heritage of Russia” offers an iPhone 13 Pro with artifacts from the Battle of Poltava in 1709, the Battle of Borodino in 1812, and the Battle of Moscow in 1941-1942.
The titanium case of the iPhone 13 Pro "Battle of Moscow" has a built-in working compass, produced in 1940 at the "Karbolit" plant. Such a compass was included in the equipment of soldiers and officers of the Red Army. The price for this model, released in a single copy, starts at 740 thousand rubles.
iPhone 13 Pro "Borodino" combines titanium, calfskin, gold plating, and a fragment of the suspension of the scabbard of the bayonets from the Patriotic War of 1812. The model will be produced in 12 copies, the price starts at 439 thousand rubles.
The finishing of the iPhone 13 Pro "Poltava" uses titanium, calfskin, gold plating, and fragments of lead bullets found at archaeological excavations in the battlefield of the Northern War. The model will be produced in 22 copies, the price - from 429 thousand rubles.