Apple AirPods: How the internal structure of each generation changes

Scan of the Month released CT scan images of Apple’s first-generation AirPods, AirPods Pro, and third-generation AirPods, revealing in detail Apple’s internal design changes. The first generation of AirPods released in 2016 was the main design inspiration for AirPods Pro and the third generation of AirPods. The CT scan showed that the internal battery was the largest component of the first-generation AirPods, occupying the entire space of the long handle.

AirPods Pro is the first update since Apple launched AirPods. The official has completely rebuilt the internal structure and the placement of components. The CT scan highlights the obvious change in the location of the battery.

Because AirPods Pro canceled the long handle design of AirPods and EarPods, the earphones became shorter. In order to solve the problem of battery placement, Apple placed the battery on the upper part of the AirPods Pro . Compared with the first-generation AirPods, the upper part of AirPods Pro has increased in size, and Apple has also miniaturized different components into a single PCB or printed circuit board to reduce the space occupied.

In the short handle below, AirPods Pro repositions the microphones, placing them higher, and includes a touch sensor that allows users to pause music, call Siri, and so on.

Next, the third-generation AirPods drew a lot of inspiration from the AirPods Pro design, but the internal structure is a hybrid of the first-generation AirPods and AirPods Pro .

The CT scan showed that the handle of the third-generation AirPods was full of components and sensors, similar to the first-generation AirPods. But the battery and touch sensor remain on the top of the headset, just like AirPods Pro.

Apple is expected to adopt a new internal structure in the next-generation AirPods Pro, completely canceling the headphone handle, and release it in 2022. Judging from the changes in the internal structure of the AirPods series, Apple has moved many necessary components to the top, so this statement is not impossible.

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