Why Micron is not short of semiconductor talents?

Statistics show that in the fourth quarter of 2021, the semiconductor talent gap in Taiwan, China, reached a 7-year high. Micron has become an exception when most companies are facing a shortage of talents. The analysis pointed out that this is because Micron is focusing on "women", which is an important part of the semiconductor industry. more disadvantaged groups.

According to the Taiwanese media "Business Week", Micron has about 6,300 engineers in Taiwan, China, and nearly 1,400 of them are women, accounting for 22%, ranking first in the local semiconductor industry. About 1,350 engineers are equipment engineers, of which about 1% are women, which is also a very high number in the industry. Locally, equipment engineers almost never consider recruiting women.

Zhang Meilan, director of talent recruitment at Taiwan's Micron, said that it is a typical prejudice to think that women are not suitable for the technology industry. Because of this prejudice, the semiconductor industry has become a male-dominated world, and there are few cases where women come forward, which in turn It affects the willingness of women to enter the semiconductor industry, forming a vicious circle, causing companies to miss many outstanding female talents.

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