The 2022 World 5G Conference will be held in Harbin from August 10th to 12th

According to the World 5G Conference, on July 14, the 2022 World 5G Conference press conference was held in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province.

As the world's first international event in the 5G field, the World 5G Conference has been successfully held three times in Beijing and Guangdong. The conference takes "professional, open, and inclusive" as the typical conference brand characteristics, which opens a window for the whole society to observe and understand the latest achievements of 5G technology, the latest progress in application implementation, and the authoritative interpretation of industrial policies, and build an industry for global 5G development. A high-end platform for cooperation and exchange.

Approved by the State Council, the 2022 World 5G Conference, co-hosted by the Heilongjiang Provincial People's Government, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, will be held at the Huaqi Hotel International Convention and Exhibition in Harbin from August 10 to 12. Center held.

The theme of the 2022 World 5G Conference is: "Building a 5G Ecosystem and Promoting Co-creation and Common Benefit". The blueprint is to build a good ecological platform for the close integration of the 5G innovation chain, industrial chain, and supply chain, and inject vitality into the 5G empowerment of thousands of industries.

This conference is held in the form of "offline + online", which is mainly composed of "conference, exhibition, competition" and other links. "Conference" includes 1 opening ceremony and main forum, 14 sub-forums, and seminars. "Exhibition" adopts a combination of offline boutique exhibitions and cloud exhibition halls for exhibition and display. "Competition" refers to the "5G Converged Application Unveiling Contest", with 8 tracks set up to collect 5G featured application works or projects; at the same time, the conference will also release the top ten 5G application cases in 2022. In addition, a number of investment projects in the digital economy will be signed during the conference.

The schedule of the conference is: on August 9, several pilot forums and the finals of the 5G converged application unveiling competition will be held. From August 10th to 12th, the cloud exhibition hall will be launched on the official website of the World 5G Conference on an opening day.

This conference has four main characteristics:

1. In the aspect of guest invitations, emphasis is placed on embodying high-end quality. The conference will invite heavyweight guests from domestic and foreign politics, industry, academia and research to attend. At that time, the world's top experts, representatives of international organizations and entrepreneurs will gather in Longjiang both online and offline. This conference will welcome many internationally renowned guests, who will participate online or offline, including Zhao Houlin, Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and John Hoffman, CEO of the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSMA). ), Martin Hirzel, Chairman of the Swiss Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Industry Association (SWISSMEM), and Susumu Yoshida, Chairman of the Fifth Generation Mobile Communication Promotion Forum (5GMF) in Japan; at the same time, the conference invited Wu Hequan, More than 20 domestic and foreign academicians and experts, including Zhou Ji and Zhang Boli, gave speeches at this conference; several major domestic operators and leading companies in the communication field such as Huawei, ZTE, Qualcomm, Ericsson, HTC, State Grid, China First Heavy Industry, Beidahuang Group, And other industry application companies also widely participated in various forums of the conference.

Second, in the forum setting, pay attention to reflecting comprehensiveness. Around the theme of the conference, a total of 14 sub-forums or theme seminars in 4 major sections were set up to fully present the 5G booming ecosystem. First, there are 6 forums and seminars in the "5G and Digital Industry" section, focusing on and displaying the industrial ecology of synergy and integration. Including 5G and Digital Industrialization Forum, 5G Integrated Circuit Supply Chain Forum, Intelligent Robot Technology and Industrial Innovation and Development Forum, Sensor Development and Application Seminar, Semiconductor Material Industry Innovation Seminar, Satellite Communication Technology and Innovative Application Seminar. Second, there are 6 forums in the "5G + Industry Application" section, focusing on and displaying the rapidly expanding application ecology. Including 5G and Media Forum, 5G and Industrial Revitalization Forum, 5G and Digital Agriculture and Rural Forum, 5G and Carbon Peak Carbon Neutral Forum, 5G and Healthcare and Health Forum, 5G and Smart Mine Forum. The third is the Global 5G Technology Cooperation Forum in the "International Cooperation" section, focusing on and demonstrating the international ecology of win-win cooperation. With the theme of "Digital Future Leads Science and Technology Cooperation", the forum brings together people of insight from all walks of life at home and abroad, through diverse international perspectives, starting from the common destiny of mankind, and promoting global scientific and technological innovation and cooperation represented by 5G to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. Complementary health channels. The fourth is the Tech Talk 2022 Foresight Forum in the "Technology Foresight" section, focusing on and displaying the innovation ecology promoted by industry and academia. With the theme of "Innovation-driven ICDT in the next ten years", the forum will focus on the future forward-looking technology of information and communication, the next evolution of 5G and 6G, digital twin, metaverse, and other cutting-edge fields, and gain insight into technology development trends.

3. In the aspect of exhibition and display, focus on showing professionalism. In accordance with the principles of "innovation, implementation, and interactivity", this conference will showcase the entire 5G ecological layout in a scene-based and physical manner, creating a "considerable, perceptible, and experienceable" boutique exhibition area. The display content includes three major themes of "5G New Technology", "5G Hard Power" and "5G Strong Empowerment", and two special areas of "Innovative Application Zone" and "Longjiang Digital Economy Exhibition Zone" are set up. Here, you can see the most cutting-edge technologies and innovative products, the most advanced manufacturing and typical applications of the entire global 5G upstream and downstream industry chain, as well as the potential and vitality of Longjiang's development of the digital economy. The exhibition brings together many core enterprises in the upstream and downstream industries of operators, system equipment, security, chips, devices, terminals, testing, software, etc., including China Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, China Tower, China Radio, and Television, Huawei, ZTE, China Xinke, Qi Anxin, Inspur, HTC, etc. At the same time, a number of outstanding enterprises in the economic field of Longjiang, such as Antiy Technology and Harbin Institute of Technology Robotics, will also appear in this exhibition.

Fourth, in the project selection, focus on demonstration. The 5G Convergence Application Unveiling Competition has set up 8 tracks, including 4K / 8K / AR / VR / cloud games, Internet of Vehicles, ports/mines / aerospace and energy, industrial Internet / smart manufacturing, smart cities, smart health care, small and medium-sized enterprises, and universities and others. A total of 770 valid entries were collected in the preliminary round, and excellent 5G integration application cases with outstanding economic benefits and innovative business models will be selected from them. Some outstanding projects will be unveiled in the "Innovative Application Zone" of the World 5G Conference and Exhibition. At the same time, the organizing committee also widely solicited 5G application cases from various provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions, and 432 high-quality projects were launched in 30 provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions across the country. In the end, the top ten 5G application cases will be selected and released during the opening ceremony on the morning of August 10.

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