Apple asked Samsung and LG Display to develop 3500ppi OLEDoS panels for MR devices

Apple has raised the desired specifications from Samsung Display and LG Display’s OLED on Silicon or OLEDoS (organic light-emitting diode on silicon) panels. Apple originally asked for 2800ppi, but it has now increased to 3500ppi, the source said. They added that Apple may want to increase consumer immersion in its first mixed reality device due next year.

OLEDoS uses silicon instead of glass as the substrate for the panel and can be used in microdisplay technology for mixed and virtual reality devices. OLEDoS panels from Samsung Display and LG Display are not expected to be used by Apple for its first mixed reality device next year. Japan's Sony will supply the first batch, while its South Korean counterpart is expected to enter the supply chain in 2024.

LG Display studied the field before Samsung Display, but the latter began to show interest in the field in the third quarter. Apple and Meta had asked Samsung Display to develop the technology this quarter. The display panel maker has been slow to get into OLEDoS because it sees it as a small market, but Samsung executives have warned Samsung Display to quickly evaluate the technology, the sources said.

Samsung Display also plans to develop a 6600ppi LED on Silicon and OLEDoS technology. According to sources, Samsung believes that OLEDoS has a lower barrier to entry than LEDoS, and hopes to be technologically ahead of its rivals LG Display and Sony in the latter.

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