Earlier this month, Apple announced that iOS 16.1 will enable a new real-time activity feature, allowing iPhone users to know in real time what is going on directly from the lock screen, such as sports games or food delivery orders. . On the iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max, live events will also be integrated with the Smart Island design.
In the Premier League, for example, Smart Island displays a live-updated scoreboard with the number of goals scored by each club. When long-pressed, the Smart Island expands to show elapsed time and match-by-match action.
When the iPhone 14 Pro is locked, the score is displayed in a widget on the lock screen . On the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Plus and all other iPhone models without Smart Island, live activity is completely confined to the lock screen.
To test the feature with an iPhone on Apple's iOS 16.1 Beta, open the TV app and tap the "Follow" button for supported events. At launch, Apple said the feature is available for MLB events for users in the U.S., Canada, Australia, U.K., Brazil, Mexico, Japan, and South Korea, as well as the NBA and Premier League for U.S. and Canadian users only, and it may be available in the U.S. Future expansion to other sports leagues.
Apple says iOS 16.1 will be released later this year. In addition to adding support for real-time activity in third-party apps, the update will include a new clean energy charging option for users in the U.S., add support for Matter accessories in the Home app, and Apple Fitness+ workouts without the need for an Apple Watch. available, etc.