AUO: Panel purchases tend to be active

Peng Shuanglang, chairman of AUO, pointed out yesterday that some brand customers have become more active in purchasing goods recently, and the overall supply and demand have gradually returned to a more balanced state.

Panel quotations have been revised since the second half of last year, and both AUO and Innolux have turned from profit to loss in the second quarter, terminating seven consecutive quarters of profit, and reducing production one after another. At the end of July, Peng Shuanglang had a conservative view on the economy at the legal meeting. Yesterday, he changed his tune and turned positive, revealing that the panel market situation is gradually emerging.

According to the analysis of the legal person, Peng Shuanglang is more optimistic about the economic outlook, which should be related to the effective production reduction effect of panel manufacturers and Samsung's resumption of TV components.

Peng Shuanglang said in an interview yesterday that brand factories were indeed overly optimistic about this year's estimates last year, resulting in a high inventory level in the first half of this year. In addition, external factors such as war, interest rate hikes, and inflation affected consumption, making brand factories a little too optimistic. Pulling goods has slowed down, and it has turned to adjust inventory.

With the effect of the inventory adjustment of brand factories in the first half of the year, Peng Shuanglang revealed that some brand factories have seen their inventories return to a healthy level , and the purchase of goods has turned positive, which is good news for the industry; it remains to be seen whether the industry can rise from the trough next year Observed.

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