Intel supports the UCIe chiplet ecosystem

Intel CEO Henry Kissinger at the Intel Open House 2022 event on the 28th, in addition to introducing a number of new products, also mentioned the Small Chip Interconnect Industry Alliance (UCIe).

There are currently more than 80 members of the UCIe Industry Alliance. At the same time, representatives from TSMC's senior vice president of business development and Samsung also attended the Intel event through online connections and spoke in support of the alliance's development.

Companies such as Intel, AMD, Arm, Google Cloud, Meta, Microsoft, Qualcomm, Samsung, and TSMC announced the establishment of a small chip interconnection standard UCIe in March this year, aiming to establish a global open ecosystem that supports chiplet design. the system, and promote the development of related technologies and interconnections.

UCIe (Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express) will be an open chiplet interconnect protocol that will meet customer requirements for customizable packaging.

The founding companies reportedly ratified the UCIe 1.0 specification, which aims to create ubiquitous interconnects at the package level, leveraging the well-established PCI Express (PCIe) and Compute Express Link (CXL) industry standards.

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