Tesla plans to increase weekly production at Berlin Gigafactory

Tesla has confirmed the construction of the super factory in Glenhead, Brandenburg, a suburb of Berlin in 2019. After more than two years of construction, it has been The opening ceremony was held on March 22, and the Model Y produced was also delivered to the public.

Like the Fremont factory in California and the Gigafactory in Shanghai, Tesla’s Berlin Gigafactory has continued to increase its production capacity after it was put into production. The weekly output of Model Y reached 1,000 units in mid-June.

After reaching 1,000 vehicles, Tesla's Berlin Gigafactory is also working towards a higher weekly production target. German media said in the report that Tesla plans to increase the weekly production of the Berlin Gigafactory to 5,000 vehicles by early next year.

If it only produces 5 days a week, when the weekly production reaches 5,000 vehicles, the average daily output of Tesla's Berlin Gigafactory will reach 1,000 vehicles, and their Model Y's ability to meet the needs of the European market will be stronger.

It will reach 5,000 units early next year, which means that the weekly output of Tesla's Berlin Gigafactory will increase significantly before the end of this year.

At the end of August, some foreign media reported that Tesla’s goal is to increase the weekly production of the Berlin Gigafactory to 2,000 vehicles in September and 3,000 vehicles in October. If Tesla can successfully achieve these two goals and continue to improve in the following two months, they are expected to increase weekly production to 5,000 vehicles by early next year.

However, Tesla's increase in weekly production at the Berlin Gigafactory requires a sufficient supply of various components, including batteries. If the supply of components is affected, it may affect the achievement of their production targets.

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