Valve launches official repair service for Steam Deck

At present, the Steam Deck handheld has dominated the sales rankings on the Steam platform for 14 weeks, which is enough to show players' pursuit of the Steam Deck handheld. At the same time, Valve is also actively providing richer services for the Steam Deck handheld.

Valve announced today that the Steam Deck Repair Center is now live. If a user encounters a problem with the Steam Deck, it can be mailed to the official repair center, and the official team will diagnose and repair it. If the problem is covered by the warranty, the official will repair it for free. If the problem is not covered by the warranty, the user can pay for the repair, or ask the repair center to return the device.

Specifically, the Steam Deck official repair center can repair intermittent key input problems free of charge, and for human-caused joystick damage, etc., you need to pay for repairs. It is worth mentioning that users can only repair it themselves by purchasing repair kits or relying on third-party repairs.

Steam Deck handhelds have been in short supply. At the end of July this year, Valve announced an increase in production capacity and new pre-orders could ship by the end of the year. In late August, Valve once again announced an increase in production capacity, after previously showing that some orders shipped in the fourth quarter have been brought forward to the third quarter, which means they can be shipped within September.

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